Thursday, November 8, 2012

Safety After an Encounter:

Please read this sobering but informative article from TTAG about the possibility of being shot by a responding officer when you are using your pistol in self-defense, and how to minimize that risk. A blurb:

During early evolutions of our force-on-force active-shooter training, we inserted two plainclothes (PC) officers into a scenario where contact teams respond to a dynamic, high-stress, active-shooter event,” Harding reveals in a Force Science Institute email blast. “The PC officers were told to always face away from advancing contact teams, to not make any furtive movements or point their weapons in the teams’ direction, to comply with any challenges or directions, and to identify themselves only when challenged. They carried their badges on belt, around the neck, in hand near their weapon, and in hand up in the air ...

It was very concerning to find that within the first 20 scenarios, due to the stress of the responders looking for unknown multiple armed adversaries, our PC role players were misidentified as suspects and fired on an estimated 95% of the time without first being challenged."